Who we are

Oxford Oil Additives SL Privacy Policy

Identification of the data controller

For what purpose do we use the data you provide us?

  1. For contractual compliance purposes
    To comply with the agreements in the provision of the services that you contract from us and to be able to provide them adequately.
  2. If we have your express consent, we will use your data to communicate information about products, services, conferences and news that may be of interest to you.
  3. We request your express consent to manage your personal data in selection processes whose recipient will be the companies or organizations that require our candidate selection and search services.

Transfer of Data

Periods of conservation of your data

International data transfers

Exercise of your rights

This action plan has been created to communicate to our stakeholders, suppliers and customers of OXFORD OIL ADDITIVES SLU (OOA), and to society, as the first beneficiary of environmental care, how OOA plans to restore its functionality in the event of a major interruption of its operations. operations.

Continuity approach

Emergency response team

Personal security

Vital Data and Records

Work outside our facilities

Supply chain

The company OXFORD OIL ADDITIVES, SL works in the markets of Spain, Portugal and Morocco and we work with clients mainly from the oil and derivatives sector.

The activity that OXFORD OIL ADDITIVES, SL considers to comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 standards is:

Design and production of additives for cleaning petroleum products.

The policy statement includes as guidelines:

  1. Commitment to comply with applicable requirements, including legal ones.
  2. Based on strategic lines defined in the context analysis carried out, the company’s objectives have been defined, which have been disseminated at all levels of our structure.
  3. Maintain an effective Integrated Management System integrated into the organization’s business processes.
  4. Establish measurable and quantifiable improvement objectives with the purpose of ensuring and demonstrating the continuous improvement of the integrated management system.
  5. Manage the processes that reduce the environmental impact of our activity and evaluate in advance the environmental impact of new activities or services.
  6. Promote the rational use of natural resources and a clear awareness of favoring our environment, not only through our work, but also involving all our suppliers and customers.
  7. Commitment to the protection of the environment, including the prevention of pollution, and the sustainable use of resources.
  8. Develop continuous training programs aimed at the best qualification of our workers, thus involving all staff in achieving all the objectives established in this document.
  9. Commitment to providing safe and healthy working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and health impairment.
  10. Commitment to continuous improvement of the management system implemented in the company.
  11. Promote and achieve a motivating environment for all members of the company.
  12. Commitment to eliminate hazards and reduce risks.
  13. Commitment to consultation and participation of workers.

The Management makes this policy accessible and makes it available to its clients, all its employees, suppliers and interested parties.

The Policy is kept up to date through periodic reviews, coinciding with management reviews of the system, in order to take into account changes in environmental conditions and the information received. In that sense, management provides and will provide all the human, technical and economic means necessary to achieve the objectives and goals that are established on a scheduled and periodic basis.

The CEO,
Date: 06/30/2021

At OOA, we recognize the importance of establishing internal mechanisms that promote excellence in all our operations. Our Corporate Social Responsibility is the sustainable commitment that we assume in our relationships with the main interest groups, incorporating respect for the environment at the core of our business model. We are in the process of developing our Corporate Social Responsibility Policies, which will establish the responsibilities and principles of action with our main stakeholders.

These policies will apply to all areas of OOA activity, with the governing bodies being the most responsible for their implementation and monitoring.

In line with our values and commitments, environmental protection stands as the central axis of our social responsibility policies. At OOA, we integrate sustainability and innovation into our processes with the primary objective of contributing to the minimization of waste generation and the reduction of environmental pollution.

Our commitment to social responsibility is not only limited to complying with legal requirements, but we aspire to go further, leading initiatives that promote sustainable practices that are respectful of the environment in which we operate. We actively seek opportunities to continually improve, involving our employees, suppliers and local communities in achieving these goals.

At OOA, we are committed to transparency and accountability. We will regularly review and update our policies to ensure they reflect the highest standards of social and environmental responsibility, thus fulfilling our purpose of being agents of positive change in society and the environment.

In Granollers on January 25, 2024

The Diversity and Equal Opportunities policy of OXFORD OIL ADDITIVES SLU (hereinafter OOA) is based on respect for the individuality of people, on the recognition of their heterogeneity, and on the elimination of any exclusive and discriminatory conduct.

Valuing diversity helps emphasize being aware of, understanding and appreciating human differences.

This policy includes the general principles of action of OOA in this matter, which are the following:

  1. Reject any discrimination based on race, age, sex, marital status, nationality, beliefs, or any other physical or social condition among its employees and consider diversity as a value, since it allows different points of view to be confronted, and provides greater creativity. , and innovation
  2. Consolidate a culture of respect for people and favorable behaviors that are open to diversity towards any of the company's interest groups.
  3. Guarantee, on the one hand, the right to effective equality of opportunities and treatment of all workers and collaborators that allows them, without exception, to develop personally and professionally and give the best of themselves. And on the other hand, avoid any type of employment discrimination in the areas of access to employment, promotion, professional classification, training, remuneration, reconciliation of work, family and personal life and other working conditions.

To this end, OOA undertakes to:

  1. Develop the principle of equal opportunities, establishing the measures and actions that are necessary to achieve real equality of treatment and opportunities among all professionals and avoid situations of both direct and indirect discrimination at all levels of the organization. Respect for diversity and the principle of equal opportunities must be present in people management processes, such as: access to employment, promotion and professional development, remuneration, training, performance evaluation and communication.
  2. Establish action plans that promote effective equality between the sexes, guaranteeing their professional development with equal opportunities.
  3. Create integration plans for other specific groups, especially people with disabilities.
  4. Promote among professionals knowledge of the different cultures and ways of doing things in the countries where the company carries out its activity.
  5. Promote geographical mobility and language learning of its professionals to increase their multiculturalism.
  6. Facilitate the collaboration of people from different generations so that everyone can contribute and enrich the work with their different perspectives.
  7. Commit the entire organization to diversity, both in the relationships between employees regardless of their position in the company, and in the relationships of employees with clients, suppliers, collaborators and other interest groups.
  8. Inform all staff about the diversity policy and their commitment to this matter.

OOA urges Management and other people responsible for managing teams to apply these principles, to be an example for them in terms of respect for diversity and equal opportunities and treatment, and to take the necessary actions to ensure compliance. It also urges all staff to observe these principles of action, and to ensure that all people are treated with respect and dignity.

Approved on January 19, 2024


Scope of application


  • We make quick decisions and act quickly and dynamically. 
  • We quickly focus the solution to a problem by proposing realistic, quality and viable alternatives. 
  • We adapt quickly to the changes and demands of the professional environment. 
  • We listen carefully to our internal and external clients to know their exact needs and propose appropriate solutions. 
  • We have the eyes and ears of the client in any operation we develop, continually asking ourselves about their satisfaction.
  • We listen actively, with an open attitude and respect for the opinions of all parties involved in a situation.
  • We actively seek opportunities to improve products and services and create new business opportunities.
  • We take advantage of opportunities and problems to provide innovative solutions.
  • We constantly update our technological knowledge to become pioneers in innovation.
  • We know the needs and expectations of our clients to develop and apply solutions that increase their satisfaction.
  • We serve our clients efficiently, maintaining at all times an agile and decisive behavior that enhances the credibility and reputation of the company and its professionals.
  • We serve clients with the utmost interest and we strive to interpret their demands, this being the priority characteristic of the attitude of all our professionals.
  • We know how to work in multidisciplinary teams, from different units, companies and countries, generating a climate of trust and mutual respect.
  • We cooperate with the rest of the organization by assuming commitments aimed at achieving common objectives.
  • We direct our efforts towards the same result, taking into account the contribution of each member, no matter how small it may seem.
  • We respect differences, opinions and diversity.
  • We are respectful of the environment and sustainability policies.

Principles of ethical behavior

Good faith




Decalogue of questions before making a decision

Asking yourself these questions will help you decide what behavior to follow.

  1. Is it against work regulations?
  2. Does it seem like the right thing to do?
  3. Is it legal?
  4. Will it have a negative effect on my reputation or that of the company?
  5. Who else can be affected by this (other people in the entity, customers, suppliers? 
  6. Would I feel ashamed if others knew that I had resolved to act this way?
  7. Is there an alternative solution that does not raise an ethical conflict?
  8. How would I look if I were published in the newspapers?
  9. What would a reasonable person think? 
  10. Will I be able to sleep peacefully?

Principles of professional behavior

Passion for the customer

Efficient management 

Team attitude

Take care of reputation 

Professional development 

Entry into force of the code of conduct, interpretation and monitoring

  • Your manager.
  • Your HR manager H H.
  • Your service coordinator if you are an external collaborator.